Friday, January 11, 2013

Pi Phi Tea January 26th 1-2:30 PM

Saturday, January 26, 2013
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Where: English Rose Tea Room
201 Easy Street (#103)
Carefree AZ 85377
RSVP to:


Please join us for afternoon tea, this year at the English Rose Tea Room in Carefree! Trust me ladies...this Tea Room is worth the drive to Carefree!

We will be celebrating our members and exposing the future pi phi's in our lives to Pi Phi Phun!

Your daughters, granddaughters, sisters, nieces, and special young ladies in your life (of all ages) are welcome and encouraged to attend this event!

This event will require you to pay for you and your guests tea service at the Tea Room. Traditional adult afternoon tea costs $24.95; however there are modified tea services you can order ranging from $7.95, $9.95, or $13.95. The tea room also offers "Nursury Tea" for your children or young adults, which costs $10.95. All pricing is before tax & tip.

It is critical that we get an accurate count for this event. Please RSVP as soon as possible, but no later than January 24th. Please note on your RSVP if you will be bringing a "future pi phi", along with their name(s). Also please indicate how many adults & how many children.

As a courtesy...If you RSVP yes, please don't be a no-show...and if you RSVP that you are unable to make it, please don't show up the day of and expect a seat. We want to represent the pi phi name well and with proper etiquette!  

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