Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Habitat for Humanity Central Arizona

Cute bags made by ASU Pi Phis for Habitat
A family receiving their bookcase and books for their new home from Central Arizona Habitat for Humanity

Six hundred books provided by the Foundation Literacy Fund for Central Arizona Habitat for Humanity 60 new homes for 2012-2013

Thirty-six out of 60 bookcases have been delivered to Habitat for Humanity Central Arizona for the 2012-2013 year.  This endeavor has made possible by Craig and Karen Thorn of Thornwood Furniture.  The Phoenix Alumnae Club and Habitat of Central Arizona know that Craig and Karen’s efforts will be recognized in Pi Beta Phi’s Halo Heaven!  Arizona Beta provided bookworm bags filled with 10 books for each family.   The 600 books were provided by the Foundation Literacy Fund. 

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